Monday, April 6, 2009

More pretzels..... and more again!

Here's another video I took today of Caleb. Doing what he does best!! I love my kids! This one is a little longer, but he is so cute! I had to post the whole thing. I must be biased, but I think he is the cutest almost 3 year old!
This is how Caleb is when he is calm and this is when I love to cuddle with him- when he isn't using me as a jungle gym, and he will just sit calmly. It doesn't happen often, so I take advantage of it when it does! (unless it is when he tries to get in bed with me at 3 am!, then he is kicked back to his own bed!)
He is really good at keeping me on my toes! He loves to "swing" on me. He holds my arm, and uses it like a swing and hold himself up for about 4 or 5 swings- That's a lot for a 37 pound kid to hold up all by himself! He is really strong!(I guess that might explain why one of my arms is stronger than the other!)
He hangs and swings from our ficus tree in the front of our house and is learning to climb it. Needless to say, the child is covered in bruises and scrapes! But that doesn't faze him- he just picks himself up off the ground or out of the tree and keeps on going!


Anonymous said...


He is ADORABLE!!! I just love that sweet age! Those little moments make all the craziness and chaos worth it! I LOVE his red hair!!

Diane Arnett Gardiner said...

I love the calmness of it all..those are the moments!